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PHYRIS Scrub with 10% Professional peeling with AHA concentration 10%, pH 3.5 - 4.0 Serum, acid

PHYRIS Scrub with 10% Professional peeling with AHA concentration 10%, pH 3.5 - 4.0 Serum, acid

In stock, limited quantity

All skin types, especially oily skin with any type of seborrhea, mixed, problematic, hyperpigmented, including sensitive, as well as skin after sun exposure, as a preparation for resurfacing and medical peelings.

Active ingredients: lemon, milk, liposome capsule apple, glycolic acids
Regular price €45,90 €54,00 EUR 15% OFF
€54,00 EUR Regular price % OFFSale price




Professional peeling with AHA concentration 10%, pH 3.5 - 4.0

All skin types, especially oily skin with any type of seborrhea, mixed, problematic, hyperpigmented, including sensitive, as well as skin after sun exposure, as a preparation for resurfacing and medical peelings.

Active ingredients: lemon, milk, liposome capsule apple, glycolic acids
Serum "Skin Results" index 40 - intensive exfoliation: also used for sensitive skin only in professional care together with the "Skin Results" mask course: 1 session per week from 3 to 6 times according to indications.


provides intensive exfoliation
balances oily skin, shrinks pores
normalizes the activity of sebaceous glands, prevents the formation of comedones
has an anti-inflammatory and absorbent effect
whitens pigment spots, unifies skin color
renews and moisturizes the skin
During the peeling course, it is mandatory to use sunscreens with an SPF of at least 15: protective base SPF 15, protective serum from the sun SPF 30, cream-balm "BB" SPF 20.
The recommended frequency of courses is 3-4 times a year.

Glycolic acid reduces skin hyperpigmentation by removing dead epidermal cells. Increases the amount of moisture in the epidermis, reduces the thickness of the stratum corneum and normalizes metabolic processes in it. Because the effect of glycolic acid accelerates the renewal of skin cells, the elasticity of the skin increases, the skin becomes smoother, and the drainage of fat improves.

Lactic acid promotes the activation of cysteine ​​and aspartate protease enzymes, which enhances exfoliation. Helps to clean the ducts of the sebaceous glands, prevents the formation of inflammatory elements.

Malic acid has antioxidant, capillary-strengthening, keratolytic, moisturizing, immunostimulating, bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory, regenerating effects, and also restores the lipid layer of the skin.

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